South Bay Psychology Specialists, P.C.


Hello and welcome to South Bay Psychology Specialists (SBPS). We are a private practice psychology group in Manhattan Beach, California. Our highly skilled and experienced therapists provide specialized treatment for a variety of psychological struggles and life difficulties. We offer psychotherapy to people of many different backgrounds and age ranges. We are a non-discriminatory practice.

All of our therapists are trained and experienced in providing depth work, an approach to psychotherapy that brings significant and lasting positive changes to people’s lives. Depth work gets to the root of a person’s difficulties. It provides a healing experience that builds upon developing a true understanding of the entire human being and his/her/their environment, rather than solely trying to get rid of symptoms. Just by reading this you have taken a courageous step. Our practice can help you find relief and the freedom to live the life you want to live.


Who we provide psychotherapy for:

Adults, Adolescents, Children, Families, Couples and Groups.


Areas we specialize in:

Depression & Other Mood Challenges

Eating Disorders


Complex Trauma & Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Healing from Abusive Relationships

Family Conflict: Dysfunction and Resolution

Developmental Struggles, including ADHD & Low Self-Esteem

Parenting Challenges

Self-Acceptance & Identity Integration


We build bridges. Where there is a lack of understanding, we find meaning. When we find greater meaning, we feel relief. At SBPS we help adults, adolescents, children, families, and couples strengthen their connections to one another and build deeply fulfilling relationships. These connections bring such feelings as belonging, understanding, togetherness, and love. These connections decrease painful experiences such as isolation, loneliness, feeling misunderstood, not "fitting in,” being on the outside, feeling unlovable, feeling inadequate, hopelessness, despair, and fear.

We build bridges within people as well; enhancing one's relationship with oneself. Instead of trying to "make you change" or go along with some idea you may have developed that there's "something wrong" with you that is "broken" and needs to be "fixed," we hold appreciation for the fact that we are all human with flaws, who make mistakes, and that it is often the belief that something is wrong with you that is actually the problem. 

You will discover parts of yourself you did not know existed. Some will be wonderful surprises to you; others may be painful. But even the painful ones bring with them a sense of relief because they are your true feelings, a part of your authentic self. When we can live authentically, know and honor our own truths, we get to live the most meaningful and satisfying lives and experience the greatest relationships.

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars