Frequently Asked Questions


what kind of services do you offer?

We offer psychotherapy for adults, adolescents, children, families, and couples. We also offer group therapy.

how long will it take for me to get better?

We don’t assume to know how to answer this question without first getting to know you. Additionally, we would want a clear understanding of what “get better” looks like to you.

What can I expect from the first session?

You can expect to meet with a caring human being who is genuinely curious to understand your past and present life experiences without any interest in judging you.

How long are sessions? how often do we meet?

Individual psychotherapy sessions are 45 minutes. Sometimes requests are made for more time. This can be discussed and planned for. We meet once a week or more.

How much does a session cost?

Inquire for details.

do you work with insurance companies?

We are out-of-network providers, meaning we do not accept insurance for payment. We can provide you with a superbill that can be submitted to your insurance company for possible reimbursement, depending on your plan. Many people get at least partial reimbursement for sessions. Please contact your insurance provider to ask about your coverage benefits. Payment for each visit is due at the time of service.